[Sora 视频]我很激动地揭开了我与Sora的旅程 - ...


我很激动地揭开了我与Sora的旅程 - 我已经能够看到它将如何改变我对代理工作和个人项目的处理方式。对于个人项目来说,它让我能够不断推敲和探索原创概念,这些概念因预算和资源限制一直被束之高阁或无限期搁置。随着事情的发展,我迫不及待想向你们展示更多!

Original Prompt:

Thrilled to unveil my journey with sora - i can already see how it’s going to transform the way i approach agency work as well as personal projects. for the latter- it’s allowing me to iterate and explore original concepts that have been kept in a vault or on indefinite pause due to budgetary and resource constraints. i can’t wait to show you more as things develop!



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